A reborn brand
24baby aims to be the most trusted online source for parents, particularly those with a baby on the way. It’s the largest community of its kind in the Netherlands, offering high-quality informative content, an app to track your pregnancy throughout, and peer support.
Our partnership began with a brand essence workshop
From this workshop, a pay-off appeared. “Growing Together” conveys multiple meanings: The literal, in the sense of a baby growing within her mother; a family grows with each addition, and as each child grows up; “Growth” in the sense of personal growth; nothing stimulates our development as people like parenthood; The relationship between 24baby and its community, growing together over time; 24baby growing as a company, in ways that make it appealing to future partners.

Design Decisions For Life’s Biggest Decision
Our design contribution was wide-ranging: identity, art direction, app and website design. Beyond visual changes, we optimized the app to promote daily use, increasing legibility and reducing complexity. These choices were underpinned by the desire to make 24baby the most friendly app on the market. Clichés around family, femininity and obvious colours like blue or pink were all avoided–in favour of a more inclusive, approachable experience. The app finds users at a delicate moment, having made the biggest decision of their lives. That’s why we consulted with 24baby’s community, ensuring that all creative work built a genuine connection.